Is Wingspan Asia Good? – Review

Wingspan Asia Review Featured Small

This review discusses the latest Wingspan: Asia expansion, particularly as a stand-alone two-player game. Should you add it to your collection? Introduction to Wingspan Asia Review I have to admit that I’ve been a bit late on the Wingspan bandwagon. Frankly, I thought the game was overhyped and it was only last year that I … Read more

Should You Buy Woodcraft? – Board Game Review

Woodcraft Board Game Review Featured Small

Is Woodcraft, the 2022 board game from Delicious Games worth your attention? Is the dice manipulation enjoyable? Should you buy it? Introduction and Setting Since 2018, Delicious Games have published roughly 1 big game per year and so far, all of them have been received with positive reviews. Underwater Cities featured imaginative worker placement + … Read more

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